The culprits are fungi, the effects are visible and annoying, it is the nail fungus Zetaclear Review, a disorder that presents with specific symptoms, hardly ignorable and that may conflict with some natural remedies and not. It can affect one or more nails, hitting the feet or hands here is some useful information to learn more sull'onicomicosi, its symptoms, the causative organisms and products useful to combat it.
Onychomycosis is an infection that has a cause, or rather a definite culprit, fungi, pathogens that attack the nails, hands or feet, with a particular preference for the big toe, causing thickness variations, of color and form.
There is no single nail fungus or, rather, there is only one fungus. The infection can be the result of the incursion unwelcome of several types of fungi. In most cases these are dermatophytes, candid, mold or combined attack of all three.